HEY LOS ANGELES - AN ONLINE DRIVER CLASS AT YOUR CONVENIENCE: DMV LICENSED DRIVING SCHOOLS IN LOS ANGELES There are a lot of driving schools in Los Angeles that claim they can meet your drivers ed needs, but very few driving instruction companies offering online driver ed classes are truly licensed by the California Department of Motor Vehicles. Los Angeles Driving School is powered by Drivers Ed Direct: a California DMV licensed driving school for Los Angeles County. DRIVING SCHOOLS PROVIDING OFFICIAL DMV CERTIFICATES Besides becoming more educated about Los Angeles driving laws and traffic safety topics, the end goal of any teenager taking an online driver training class should be to earn a DMV Form DL400C, or more simply a certificate of drivers education completion. Upon passing the final exam of your online drivers ed course, your drivers education certificate will be mailed to you (sometimes called a drivers ed blue slip or a drivers ed pink slip). You will also be provided confirmation of your certificate processing online. When you receive your certificate in the mail, you can take it to the DMV as proof that you have taken an approved Los Angeles Drivers Education course and are eligible to take your written DMV learner's permit exam. Furthermore, we provide FedEx rush delivery options if you are in a hurry to obtain your certificate even more quickly. PASSING YOUR ONLINE DRIVER EDUCATION FINAL EXAM In the event you do not pass your online driver education final exam the first time, you will always be given another chance to review the material and take the test again. And don't worry, even if you have to retake the drivers ed final exam a hundred times, you'll never be charged an additional fee!
Questions your driving school should be able to answer: